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Prevention Tips For Parents

Without question, Talking With Your Children is extremely important in our efforts to protect our kids from alcohol and drugs.  But there are other things that we need to do as parents to be effectively involved in preventing alcohol and drug problems for our kids and in our families.


Before we review our Ten Tips for Parents, there are two important points to be aware of:


1. Why is there so much focus on keeping kids alcohol and drug free?  Recent scientific research has found that the longer
    an individual postpones the onset (first use) of alcohol, tobacco or other drug use, the less likely the individual is to
    develop an addiction or other lifelong problems, including depression.


2. The Power of Parents:  Believe it or not, parents are the most powerful influence on their kids when it comes to drugs.
    Recent research has found that 2 out of 3 kids ages 13-17 say that losing their parents' respect is one of the main reasons
    they don't drink alcohol, smoke marijuana or use other drugs.


So then, as a parent, what can I do use my influence to encourage or promote prevention efforts with my children?  Here are Ten Tips for Parents:


1) Don’t Be Afraid to be the “Bad” Parent:  Sometimes, our fear of negative reaction from our kids keeps us from doing what
    is right.  When it comes to alcohol and drugs, taking a tough stand can help our children to say no….“my mom or my dad
    would kill me if I drank or used.”  Our decisions and our rules allow our child to use us as “the reason” for not using alcohol
    or drugs.


2) Connect With Your Child’s Friends:  Pay attention to who your child is hanging out with, who’s coming to the house and get
    to know them.  Encourage your child’s friends to come to your home, invite them for dinner and make them feel
    welcomed.  Encourage your child to invite friends over to the house.


3) Make Connections With Other Parents Too:  As you get to know your kids friends, take the opportunity to introduce
    yourself to his/her parents.  It’s a great way to build mutual support and share your rules about alcohol and drugs.  And, it
    will make it easier for you to call if your son/daughter is going to a party at their house to make sure that there will be
    responsible parental supervision.


4) Promote Healthy Activities:  Help your kids, and their friends, learn how to have fun, and fight off the dreaded “I’m bored.”
    Physical games, activities and exercise are extremely important because of the positive physical and mental benefits. 
    Encourage kids to become engaged in activities such as music, sports, arts or a part-time job.   The more your children are
    active, the less time they have to get caught up in the pressure from peers to drink alcohol and use drugs.


5) Establish Clear Family Rules About Alcohol and Drugs:  Setting specific, clear rules is the foundation for parental efforts in
    prevention, some ideas:

  • Kids under 21 will not drink alcohol

  • Kids will not ride in a car with someone who has been drinking or using drugs

  • Older brothers and sisters will not encourage younger kids to drink or use drugs

  • Kids under 21 will not host parties at our home without parental supervision

  • Kids will not stay at a kid’s party where alcohol or drugs are present.


Consistent enforcement of the rules, with consequences, if needed is essential.  Without consequences the rules have no value and will not work.


6)  Get Educated About Alcohol and Drugs:  You cannot rely on your own personal experiences or common sense to carry
      you through.  Your ability to provide family leadership in prevention requires you to be better educated.  As a start,
      visit Learn About Alcohol and Learn About Drugs.  And, as you learn, share what you are learning with your spouse and
      your kids.


7) Be a Role Model and Set a Positive Example:  Bottom line…. from a kid’s perspective, what you do is more important than
    what you say!  Research studies show that parents who drink alcohol or use drugs are more likely to have kids who drink
    or use.  If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation; if you use medication, use only as directed, and do not use illegal drugs. 
    If you host a party, always serve alternative non-alcoholic beverages and do not let anyone drink and drive.


8) Keep Track of Your Child’s Activities:  Asking questions, keeping track, checking in are all important.  Research has found
    that young people who are not regularly monitored by their parents are four times more likely to use alcohol or drugs. 
    Make the time to know what is happening in your child’s life – especially in families where both parents work outside of the
    home, life is busy but you must find time for your children – know what they are up to!


9) Keep Track of Alcohol and Prescription Drugs:  For kids, the most common source of alcohol and prescription drugs is
    parents.  Make sure that your home is not a source of alcohol or prescription drugs for your kids or their friends.


10) Get Help!:  If at any point you suspect that your child is having a problem with alcohol and/or drugs get help.  Don’t
      wait.  You are not alone.




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