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About Reading


Reading Help




If your child is having problems with words, you might first want to see a speech therapist.  

Early Signs of Trouble


In addition to talking, reading, and writing with your child, you also need to be on the lookout for early signs of possible trouble.


Here are two of the biggest to watch out for:


  • Language or speech problems: Children who talk late, who say very few words, who have trouble pronouncing words, or who have difficulty expressing feelings verbally may have trouble learning to read.


  • Hearing impairment: Children who have difficulty hearing the individual sounds in words may have trouble understanding how those sounds connect with letters in written words.


Kids who might have trouble learning to read  may also show some of these early warning signs:


  • Difficulty rhyming words,

  • Difficulty learning the alphabet, numbers, or days of the week.

  • Difficulty following multi-step directions

  • Difficulty telling or re-telling a story


You can avoid years of frustration for you and your child by recognizing such problems early and getting the right help.


Have your child evaluated to determine the right help for him or her.

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Good Early Reading Instruction


Once your child starts kindergarten, it’s critical for you to know what research-based reading instruction looks like — and to know if your child is getting it. T

Talk with the teacher and ask if they

provide explicit instruction to the students and if the instruction is based on a recent assessment? Then observe a reading lesson.


A good lesson will focus on one or more of these elements:

  • Phonemic awareness: Are the students playing games with the sounds in spoken words? For example, "Sun, sock, and sand all start with s. What is another word that begins with that sound?"


  • Phonics: Do small groups of students work with letters and sounds? Do you see reading materials that contain the letters and sounds they’re studying?


  • Fluency: Once kids begin to read books, are they reading and rereading familiar books and poems? Does the teacher listen to the students read aloud?


  • Vocabulary: Are the students talking with each other and the teacher? Does the teacher share interesting words?


  • Comprehension: Does the teacher teach strategies to help kids understand what they read? Are students encouraged to ask and answer questions about what they’ve read?

The Power of Preschool


A good preschool can help your child stay on track for learning how to read. 

When you are deciding on a pre school, observe, and look for classrooms that include the following sorts of activities each day.


  • Reading books, poems, and nursery rhymes aloud

  • Talking with children and encouraging them to talk

  • Helping children learn letter names and sounds

  • Playing games that help children learn to recognize rhymes and similar sounds

  • Exploring writing with the children

  • Exposing children to new and interesting words within their classroom


During your child’s preschool years, help him build the following strengths. They may make learning to read easier.


  • A good vocabulary.  Can your child express her needs and wants using words? Does your child understand you when you speak directly to her? Can she tell a story?

  • Following directions. Can your child follow simple two or three step directions? Learning letters and sounds. Can your four year old name some of the letters of the alphabet? Does he enjoy reading favorite books and writing using letter-like forms?

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