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Service Clubs For Children

For years we have heard of the Girl Guides, Boys Scouts and other service groups, but today they seem almost 'out of style' and that is because we do not understand the tremendous benefits that service clubs offer to the development of children.


Service clubs allow children to feel good about themselves through the excellent community work that they usually get involved in.  Besides learning survival skills at camps, service work can include reading and singing to sick children and the elderly in homes and hospitals, waking up at 5am to feed the homeless and fund-raising to help fire or even hurricane victims.


Children experience a sense of pride and fulfillment when they help others and to see their work appreciated is not only motivation to serve others and to be useful citizens, but it carries into their academic studies.


Service work gives children more opportunities to apply knowledge learned to real life situations and it helps them to understand why they should know certain things and how knowledge can be used and this also leads to more positive lifestyle choices and behaviour.


The numerous activities undertaken by service clubs also contribute to well-adjusted and balanced students and they develop time management skills, high levels of self esteem and more often than not, children meet friends with similar interest and goals and together they can help each other to remain on a positive path in their young lives.


Service clubs can also introduce a wide range of careers to children and may even allow them to develop an understanding of how and where they can be most useful.


This site will provide brief information on service clubs available to children in Barbados. We highly recommend each one and we are sure that your child will benefit significantly from their association with at least one service club.


Many schools have units of these clubs and most can be contacted via the staff member in charge.

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The Interact Club of Barbados - Arm of Rotary  (there are clubs at some schools)

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Key Clubs of Barbados - Arm of Kiwanis 
(There are Key Clubs at some schools)

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Optimist Club of Barbados
(There are clubs at some schools)

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Barbados Red Cross
(There are clubs at some schools)


Barbados Cadet Corps

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